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Preliminary NOISE analysis

I-83 North York Widening Preliminary Noise Analysis


It is PennDOT’s policy to assess the highway traffic noise impacts of transportation improvement projects and provide appropriate avoidance and/or mitigation measures in the design and construction when they are determined to be warranted, feasible and reasonable.  Noise-sensitive land uses (residences, churches, historic resources, outdoor uses such as parks, etc.) within the project area were assessed to determine if current and future traffic noise levels approach or exceed the FHWA/PennDOT Noise Abatement Criteria (NAC) of 66 dBA (decibels) at these locations.  To better understand noise and noise impacts, a few examples help provide context.  A rock concert could be approximately 110 dBA, heavy truck or bus  passing by a sidewalk would in turn be 90 dBA, and a quiet suburban area at night would vary between 40 and 50 dBA.  As part of the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the I-83 North York Widening Project, impacts to noise sensitive areas were assessed and preliminary noise mitigation was presented for the overall project in the EA. 


SR 181 N. George Street/Exit 22 Final Noise Analysis


As part of the SR 181 N. George Street/Exit 22 Improvements Early Action Project, a noise barrier along the relocated Exit 22 on-ramp was determined to be warranted, feasible and reasonable and will be constructed as part of the early action project.  A Final Design Noise Analysis was completed and a community workshop was held on September 10, 2019 with the impacted residents (owners and tenants) to gain the residents consensus on the barrier’s construction, as well as on the aesthetics for the residential side of the wall.  Additional correspondence was completed with those residents who were unable to attend.  The results of voting indicated the residents were in favor of the barrier with the ashlar stone gray texture.


I-83 North York Widening Final Design Noise Analysis


A Final Design Noise Analysis for the I-83 North York Widening project will be completed for the remainder of the project area as the final designs advance for the separate construction sections now that FHWA approved the FONSI. Community Noise Workshops will be held with the impacted Noise Sensitive Areas located in each construction section.  Property owners will be invited by letter to the Community Noise Workshop that addresses your area. Please check back for more information as the project progresses through Final Design.



For more information about highway traffic noise, analysis, regulations and mitigation, please visit FHWA's website at:


Any comments or questions can be submitted here

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