The Interstate 83 Corridor from Exit 19 to Exit 22 is defined by densely developed corridors and heavy traffic demand. PennDOT has maintained this section of I-83 since its construction in 1958 with pavement patching, overlays, and bridge rehabilitation to extend its service life. Improving traffic flow and updating the design to handle today's and tomorrow's traffic flows safely is necessary.
The primary purpose of this project is to reconstruct this section of I-83 to achieve a more functional and modern roadway. The secondary purpose of this project is to improve future traffic flow, queuing, and safety performance on I-83 and the interchanges in the 2042 design year.
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The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) completed the weekend closure on the Route 462 (Market Street) Bridge in Springettsbury and Spring Garden Townships, York County, for the crews to apply an epoxy overlay to the bridge deck and pave bridge approaches. The bridge was opened ahead of schedule on Sunday at 3:20 pm. Final site work off the road and bridge will continue for grading, seeding, and planting. All work is anticipated to be completed by early July. This work is part of a project that consists of the replacement of the bridge, approach work, guide rail updates, drainage work, ramp re-alignment, signal upgrades, and other miscellaneous construction.
Clearwater Construction, Inc. of Mercer, PA, is the prime contractor on this $6,379,000 project.
Work continues on the replacement of the Eberts Lane bridge with an estimated completion in June 2024. Traffic will be detoured using Sherman Street, US Route 30, N.Hills Road, and Market Street (PA 462). Sherman Street bridge will be replaced in 2024 using a similar detour route of US Route 30, N.Hills Road, and Market Street (PA 462). Partial replacement of the Sherman Street bridge will construct an additional span which will allow I-83 to be widened to 6-lanes by relocating a portion of Mill Creek in the future. All work in this contract is anticipated to be completed by December of 2024.
Deblin, Inc. of Mechanicsburg, PA, is the prime contractor on this $10,117,734 project.
Work also continues at Exit 22 and Route 181 (North George Street) with improvements that include removing the existing ramp from North George Street to northbound I-83 and relocating it across from Skyview Drive, installing a new traffic signal at North George Street and Skyview Drive, installing a traffic signal at the intersection of North George Street and the northbound I-83 off ramp, resurfacing North George Street from the I-83 overpass to just north of Skyview Drive, resurfacing I-83 from North George Street to the Locust Lane overpass, and other miscellaneous construction activities.
Kinsley Construction, of York, PA, is the prime contractor on this $12,358,000 project. Work is expected to be completed by December of 2023.
Additional information on the I-83 North York Widening construction and other infrastructure construction projects in District 8 can be found at PennDOT Projects.
To see all of the I-83 construction sections and anticipated schedule, please click here.
Don't miss the project visualizations to see how I-83 will look, please click here.
PennDOT needs input from citizens like you, in order to evaluate design solutions that will make I-83 a better route to travel for everyone. Please use the comment form below to tell us about concerns you have on I-83.
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